Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

John Edwards event

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

We had a chance to meet Senator John Edwards, John Kerry’s VP running-mate in 2004, at a fund-raiser this evening. I had a chance to ask him:

Many of us share Governor Dean’s conviction that effecting political change requires putting feet on the street [during the campaign]. Yet Democratic political consultants are paid a percentage of the media buy. What will you do in your campaign to assure that both Americas [my allusion to Senator Edwards’ campaign for President] will be able to particpate in the election?

He was very direct in his answer, starting by talking about how his is a grassroots campaign, and mentioned the more than 700 One Corps chapters. Then he said to me, “But you’re asking me how we pay our political consultants?” Right about this point his wife, Elizabeth, jumped in to talk about their experiences with political consultants in 2004, and how they were unhappy with the conventional approach, and were trying to negotiate a better arrangement. Then Senator Edwards continued, in a jocular manner, suggesting he felt that conventional TV ads no longer work, because people don’t believe them anymore.

I agree. I know there will be a lot of money spent on commercials over the next twenty months, but I would sure prefer it be spent on organizing instead of lining the pockets of Cap Cities and NBC. Maybe there will be some social networking approach that can reach more voters and help to inspire them for change.