Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Bring our boys (and girls) home NOW!

Saturday, March 17th, 2007

It was a beautiful St. Patrick’s Day in Palo Alto today, and it made me wish Patrick was around to drive the snakes out of the White House. I walked downtown to the Rally organized by Peninsula Peace and Justice Center at City Hall Plaza, commemorating the fourth anniversary of Bush’s folly in Iraq.

The featured speaker was Karen Meredith, mother of Lt. Ken Ballard, the 89th soldier killed in Iraq, representing Gold Star Families Speak Out. Her speech was especially poignant and moving. She called on Congress to show the courage our troops show every day, and vote to bring them home.

We then marched past Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office on University Avenue and back to City Hall. There was a good crowd — close to a thousand people I would guess.

Stop the War Now