Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Recovered Memory

Friday, September 19th, 2014

Last week I flipped through an old address book from the late 60s that my Mom had kept and came across the name and address of one of her old friends. Anne Taverna had been in many of my Mom’s photographs from before she met my Dad. I checked the address on, and it was unchanged, so I wrote Anne a note informing her that her old friend Dorothy had passed away earlier this year.

I was delightfully surprised when I got a phone call today from the very same Anne Taverna, still going strong at 88. We exchanged a few stories, and she told me of one very touching memory she had of my grandfather walking Mom to the train station. When they arrived, Grandpa took off his hat and bowed his head, so his daughter could kiss his head.

This reminded me that as a child, I would kiss grandpa on his bald head when we said goodbye, something I had completely forgotten.