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Poignant Onegin at OSJ

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

Despite the so-so review in the Mercury News, I truly enjoyed tonight’s performance of Eugene Onegin at Opera San Jose,  which featured the ‘second’ cast.  Heather Calvete was compelling as Tatanya, transforming easily from the shy country girl to the cosmopolitan princess.  I especially found her performance in the first act bedroom scene as the love-struck teen to be convincing and moving.  Travis Jones sang Lensky with the passion of the poet he portrayed, and Krassen Karagiozov was solid in the title role.

The sets were quite well done, and the chorus was quite strong tonight.  I liked their tableau vivant in the thrid act, though when they start the slow-motion, I couldn’t help being reminded of six million dollar man. The house was about two-thirds full, certainly a shame that more people didn’t come see this.  Perhaps the economy is affecting the draw.